Makhundaì is an introduction to creative director Namhla Thiwani’s creative cultivation, and a formal invitation into the world that governs these bold and textured creations. Far from minimalist but not quite within maximalist territory, Makhundaì incorporates structured and clean silhouettes that are further emphasised with fabrics that lean into nostalgia.
Intent on practicing slow and sustainable fashion, the Makhundaì team earnestly moulds these looks to give them each singular identities that can still exist alongside each other.
At the center of Makhundaì’s ethos is the practice of ‘being a good farmer’. With roots in the Eastern Cape, Thiwani describes being a good farmer as an exercise in patience, a commitment to your intentions, and the continued work towards alignment with who you are and who you have the capacity to be.
(Words by Mosa Naleli.)